International Baccalaureate (IB)

What is an International Baccalaureate (IB) education?

Life in the 21st Century, in an interconnected, globalized world, requires critical-thinking skills and a sense of international-mindedness. The rigor and challenge inherent in the IB program facilitate the development of these skills in students who participate in the program.

International Baccalaureate (IB) programme aspires to help schools develop well-rounded students with character who respond to challenges with optimism and an open mind, are confident in their own identities, make ethical decisions, join with others in celebrating our common humanity and are prepared to apply what they learn in real-world, complex and unpredictable situations.

A full IB high school curriculum includes required courses in a second language, social studies, mathematics, and sciences, with exams at the end of the two-year program. Exams are marked by external IB specialists.

The Grande Prairie Composite High School is the first Alberta school north of Edmonton to offer the IB programme. As an approved school, our education program was developed to be academically challenging and balanced, with final examinations that prepare high school students for success at the University level and beyond.

We aim to inspire a quest for learning throughout life that is marked by enthusiasm and empathy. Our motto: Ignite Your Education!

When does IB Programming begin?
Students begin with IB Prep courses in Grade 10 and the IB Program officially begins in Grade 11. Prospective IB students may choose to attend Grande Prairie Composite High School in Grade 9, however there is no special programming until Grade 10. Students declare their IB exam choices October of their Grade 12 year.

Who should take IB?

At the GPCHS, the IB program is a program of rigor that is open to any motivated student who is characterized as being “intellectually curious”. They tend to demonstrate many of the qualities outlined in the IB Learner profile:

  • Inquirer
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinker
  • Communicator
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-taker
  • Balanced
  • Reflective

IB Learner Profile

The IB Learning Profile represents the capacities potential IB students may possess. In general, IB students develop strong academic, social and emotional characteristics. They are also likely to perform well academically – often better than students in other programs.

TOK (Theory of Knowledge)

  • Explore knowledge issues & mysteries of the universe…

EE (Extended Essay)

  • Explore your passion across knowledge areas.

CAS (Creativity, Action, Service)

  • Creativity-Musical performances, film, theatre and more!

  • Action - Being a coach, an athlete or a volunteer!

  • Service - Supporting the community locally and internationally!     

IB at Our School

Grade 10

To introduce students to IB through:

  • IB groupings in English, Social, Math & Science

  • Pre-CAS KIVA-Interact club

Grades 11 & 12 

Three IB paths are open for students to choose from:

  1. IB Diploma (full IB program)

    • Spanish AB Initio

    • EE (Extended Essay)

    • TOK (Theory of Knoweldge)

    • CAS (Creativity, Action, Service)

    • IB Standard level (SL) Math, Chemistry

    • IB Higher level (HL) Biology, History and English

  2.  IB Certificate (partial IB program)

    •  Students may take individual HL/SL courses and TOK for IB credit

  3. IB Cohort

    • Students may enroll in individual HL/SL courses and TOK, but choose not to register for IB assessments

Programme Fees

The Board of Trustees for the Grande Prairie Public School Division is proud to support this unique opportunity for our students, as a result, IB program fees and busing costs are covered by GPPSD for students who reside within The City of Grande Prairie and meet the transportation criteria.

2025-26 Fee Structure

Students who are NEW to the IB program as of September 2025 will follow the following fee structure:

  • 2025-2026- $300 IB Annual fee
  • 2026-2027 - $300 IB annual fee + $25 per IB exam (SL and HL courses only; maximum exam fees for full diploma program are $150)
  • CAS, Leadership, TOK, and the Extended Essay are exempt from fees

Vested students clause: Students who are registered in Gr. 10 IB prep courses for the 2024-25 school year are considered vested students and will not incur fees until Grade 12 (Year 2 IB).

Example 1:

  • A Grade 11 student who is new to GPCHS as of Sept 2025 wishes to pursue a FULL IB Diploma program would incur $750 in fees over the course of the two-year program

Example 2:

  • A Grade 11 student who is new to GPCHS wishes to pursue a CERTIFICATE program in STEM courses (Math, Chem, Bio) would incur $675 in fees over the course of the two-year program

Example 3:

  • A Grade 11 Student who wishes to pursue a COHORT program would incur $600 in fees over the course of the two-year program

Example 4:

  • A student who was registered at GPCHS in IB Prep 10 for the 2024-25 school year who wishes to pursue a FULL IB Diploma program will incur $350 in fees, payable in their Gr12/Year 2.

"Students who are NEW to the IB program as of September 2025 will follow the following fee structure for the grade 11 and 12 years. 

Please note there are no fees for the grade 10 IB Prep year. "

Applying for IB

Students begin with IB Prep courses in Grade 10 and the IB Program officially begins in Grade 11.  Prospective IB students may choose to attend GPCHS in Grade 9, however there is no special programming until Grade 10.

New Families to GPPSD interested in applying for the program follow these steps:

  • New users create a SchoolEngage account and log in. Help article.
  • Select 'Add Student'
  • Select 'Student'
  • Select the student name from your student list you wish to complete the form for
  • Complete the 'New Student Registration Form' for the correct school year
  • On page 2, under the heading Programs of Choice, click the 'I would like to apply for my child to attend the IB Prep (10) or IB Diploma Programme (Gr 11 & 12)'
  • Complete and submit the form

Register & Apply


Current GPPSD Families with students attending Charles Spencer High School or the Bridge Network Outreach School can go directly to the PowerSchool Parent Portal:

  • Log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal
  • Select SchoolEngage
  • Select 'Student'
  • Select the student from your student list you wish to complete the form for
  • Complete the 'IB Prep / IB Diploma Programme Application'

Applications for the next school year open the same day as New Student Registration.


Note:  If your child is currently attending Grande Prairie Composite High School and is interested in applying to attend International Baccalaureate Programme contact Student Services at the school.

For More Information

For more information on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program go to:

IB Parent Student Handbook


Contact us

Mr. Dennis Vobeyda
Principal, Grande Prairie Composite High School 
P: 780-532-7721